What’s the Difference Between Self-Image and Self-Esteem?

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Your self-image, which is by nature temporary, will some day fade and go away. If you have not built it on a foundation of self-esteem and self-love, you will have no foundation, no reason for being.
Your most important relationship is the one between you and your spirit. That relationship will ensure all your other relationships are healthy and whole.
Don’t expect another person or your society to “complete” you or make you happy. No one can complete you because you are already whole and complete. No one can make you happy because happiness is always an “inside job.”

15 Ways to create yourself in peace in the Midst of Chaos:

  • Meditate. Every day if possible. It keeps you aligned with Spirit.
  • Always be good to yourself. You deserve it.
  • Look for the best in all people and all experiences. It’s always there, but you have to be willing to see it.
  • Never judge or criticize another. You see in them only a reflection of yourself.
  • Avoid those who complain constantly. Their energy is too negative for you.
  • Spend time regularly in nature. It will soothe and heal you.
  • Know the universe is abundant. There is no lack of anything you want.
  • You can have, be, and do anything you want.
  • Listen to your body. Its natural state is always to be whole and healthy.
  • Pay close attention to all your relationships. They always have something to teach you.
  • Do only what you love. Otherwise you are wasting your precious time.
  • Think happy thoughts and you will be happy.
  • If something or someone is not fun, avoid them.
  • Move through your days knowing all is well. For it really is.
  • Know you are always safe, secure, and loved.


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